pondělí 25. března 2013

Prague mini book

Praha je moje srdcova zalezitost a to nejen proto, ze tu uz 24 let ziji. Je to neskutecne karsne mesto plne pamatek. Rozhodla jsem se udelat mini knizku o Praze jako suvenyr.

Prague is a matter of my heart and not only I have been living here for 24 years. It is an unbelievable city with a tons kf historicyl monuments. So I decided to make a Prague mini book as a souvenir.

Vase OriginalTin
Yours OriginalTina

neděle 24. března 2013

4. dil - "Vintage Duckling"

Cely tyden, mozna uz neco pres tyden, jsem se neozvala. To proto, ze mam furu prace se statnicemi, abych konecne byla ten "blbec".

I didnt post anything whole week, maybe a little bit over the week. It is therefore my bachelors final exams to be the Bc finally.

Za tu dobu jsem udelala dva projekty. Dnes vam ukazu platno, ktere je naplni jiz 4. dilu Mixed Media Art. Kacenka ve vintage stylu se primo hodi jako velikonocni dekorace.

During that time I have done two projects. Today I will show you  a canvas with sweet vintage duckling, which is main theme of my 4th episode Mixed Media Art serial. The duckling is perfect as an easter decoration.

Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

neděle 17. března 2013

3. dil MMA - 3. MMA's episode

3. dil serialu je tu a s nim i odtajneni prvni souteze. Bohuzel nikdo z vas netipnul, co se stalo mym hlavnim motivem jarniho a platna.

The third episode of MMA serial is here and with it the declassification of the first competition. Unfortunetaly, nobody guessed the main motive of my Spring canvas, so we have no winners.

Jak vse zacalo, proc zrovna velionocne jarni platna? Jednou jsem nahodou narazila na blog Christy Tomlinson, ona je naprosto dokonala. Diky me znalosti anglictiny jsem se hned zapsala na jeji She Art online kurz (jednou si urcite zajedu na jeji workshop osobne) a byla jsem jednoduse nadsena. Momentalne jsem na kurzu Junelle Jacobsen  The Art Of Spring. Je to nevycerpatelna studnice napadu. Jednou absolvuju vsechny jejich workshopy, kurzy..

How did everything start? Why Easter Spring toned canvas?  One day I came across Christy Tomlinson blog, she is perfect. Thanks to my knowledge of English I took one of her online classes, the She Art 1 ( I will take her class in person someday) and I was simply excited. Im taking the Art Of Spring now with Junelle Jacobsen. It is a botomless source of ideas and inspiration. I will definetaly take all their classes someday.

Ted k me tvorbe. Jako prvni jsem vyzkousela neposedne zajice. Nechala jsem se vest Junelle a vysledek je roztomily.

Now, to my crafting. I tried antsy hares at first. The result is pretty nice, sweet.

You can find me on my new FB page: the link is above.

Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

sobota 16. března 2013

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/5695357/?claim=xhjvq86xw9w">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

čtvrtek 14. března 2013

Napoveda - Prompt

Abych zvysila vase sance na uhodnuti soutezni otazky, udelala jsem tuto video prezentaci. Jeden z obrazku se stal mym hlavnim motivem pro Jarni plano. Ktery?

To increase your chances in the competition I have made this video presentation. One of the those pictures is my main motive in the Spring canvas. Which?

Prijima se pouze 1 odpoved.

Only one answer per person.

Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

Soutěž - Competition ("giveaway")

Blíží se nám neděle a s ní další díl seriálu Mixed Media. Jste zvědaví, co jsem pro Vás tentokrát připravila? Do neděle nám zbývají 4 dny a já vyhlašuji první (a ne poslední) soutěž o moje jarně laděné originální plátno.

1. staňte se fanoušky mojí FB stránky - dejte LIKE http://www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

2. Sdílejte tuto stránku mezi své přátele na FB - do komentáře zde na blogu nebo na mé FB stránce vložte odkaz, že jste tak učinili

3. Odpovězte na soutěžní otázku, kterou naleznete na konci příspěvku - odpověď opět vložte na mou FB stránku, nebo zde do komentářů

Zahraniční nadšenci se také mohou zúčastnit, ale uhradí poštovné!!!

The Sunday is coming closer and closer and the next episode of my Mixed Media serial too. Are you curious what I have prepared for you? By Sunday, we have 4 days and I announced first (not last) competition for my handmade original Spring toned canvas.


1. Become a fan of my new FB page - LIKE http://www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

2. Share the FB page with your friends - insert a link to the comments window that you've done it

3. Answer the question, which you find at the end of this post - the answer put on my FB page or here to the comments

This competition is open to everyone, but international contestants have to pay the SHIPPING!!!

Jaký jarní motiv jsem přenesla na plátno? (Odpověď specifikujte: pokud si myslíte, že kytka, tak jaká kytka... pokud si myslíte že jídlo, tak jaké.. pokud si myslíte, že zvířátko, tak jaké zvířátko apod..)

What spring motive I painted to the canvas? (specify your answer: if you think that it's a flower, what kind of flower.. if you think that it's food, what kind of food.. if you think that it's an animal, what kind of animal..)

Dekuji vsem, kdo se vracite na muj blog a venujete mu kousek z vaseho casu. Nove me najdete i na FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

I thank everyone who drops in at my blog and spends a bit of your precious time. You can find me on FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

Komentujte, sdilejte, likujte. Vyjadrete mi svuj nazor ohledne me tvorby.

Comment, share, like. Express me your opinion about my crafting.

Vaše OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

středa 13. března 2013

Bunny page

Jak vetsina z vas vi, o vikendu jsem byla v Liberci na setkani Scrapparek. Naplni krom tricek si bylo udelat stranku do ramecku. Jelikoz tam nebyla moznost zdobeni a dalsich vecicek, ktere bych rada zakomponovala, musela jsem stranku dodelat doma. Na to jak jsem byla vylozene otravena, neni vysledek zase tak strasny.

As most of us know, I was at Scrappers meeting in Liberec. One of the course content was a scrapbook page, which we put into the frame. Since there was no embelkishments, adorments and othe stuff, I had to finish the page at home. Though I was really fed up, finally the result is not so baaad :)

Vase OriginalTina
Yours  OriginalTina

neděle 10. března 2013

Liberecky "kurz" sraz - Scrap "workshop" meeting in Liberec

Ahoj bloggerky, vratila jsem se s kamaradkou z Liberce, kde jsme stravily vikend. Hned na zacatek bych chtela zduraznit, ze se timto clankem nechci nikiho dotknout, poskodit, jen bych chtela vznest mozna jiny uhel pohledu.

Hey bloggers. Today I came back home from the scrap weekend in Liberec. At first, I would like to emphasis that this post is not written to attack somebody,  bite into somebody or somethi g like that. I would like to only  bring another pov.

Vikend bych ohodnotila jako vcelku dobre straveny. S Kajkou jsme se vcelku bavily. Poznaly jsme par spravnych zenskych, ale jak to v zenskem kolektivu byva, ne se vsemi si vzdy padnete do oka.

I qualified the weekend as quite well spend time. We enjoyed the weekend. We have met some gorgeous women, but as it is usual in women's group, with someone we havent fallen into eye.

Nejlepsi bylo zdobeni, vytvareni tricek, ktere jsme si s Kajkou vyslovene uzily. Lektorka, Irenka, je naprosto uzasna bytost s neskutecne pozitivni energii. Clovek na spravnem miste.

The best of the creative weekend was T-shirt workshop. This part we enjoyed most. Irenka, teacher, is amazing woman on the right place. She is so so positive.

Londynske tricko je me, dale nasleduje Kajky tvorba a jeste Kamci (posledni).

The London T-shirt is mine, the next one is Kajka's and the last one is Kamca's.

Strasne rada bych Vam ukazala jeste neco z vikendovych vytvoru, ale bohuzel nic jineho neni. Netusily jsme totiz, ze co si samy neprivezeme, tak nebude. Zde nejspise doslo k nedorozumeni v popisu kurzu, z ktereho jsme si utvorily jinou predstavu. Bylo obroovske zklamani, ale nepokazilo nam to pekny zensky vikend ve dvou. Pro priste aspon vime.

Id love to show you some other weekend creation, but regrettably there are none. There was probably a misunderstanding in the course's descriptionfrom which we had formed  different idea about it. There was a huuuuge dissapointment, but it didnt  ruined our  hen party.

Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

středa 6. března 2013

Obalkove album - Envelope book

Dnes jsem dodelala obalkove album, na ktere jsem narazila na Snazzy blogu:

Today, I finished the envelope album from the Snazzys blig, the link is above.

Ze zacatku jsem si nebyla vubec jista jak udelat vazbu a tak jsem napsala email Val, ktera byla tak laskava a poslala mi ukazku postou. Neverili byste jak je to jednoduche. A tak zacalo moje vecerni tvoreni.

At the beginning I wasnt sure hos fo do binding so then I wrote email to Val. She was so kind and send me an example by snail post. You wouldnt belive how easy it is. This is how the crafting has started.

Zde je ukazka jednotlivych stran, detailu a dalsich.

Here is the show of pages, details and other things in the album.

Dekuji vsem, kdo se vracite na muj blog a venujete mu kousek z vaseho casu. Nove me najdete i na FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

I thank everyone who drops in at my blog and spends a bit of your time. You can find me on FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

Komentujte, sdilejte, likujte. Vyjadrete mi svuj nazor ohledne me tvorby.

Comment, share, like. Express me your opinion about my crafting.

Omlouvam se za kvalitu fotek, ale disponuji pouze tabletem. Fotoaparat zatim v nedohlednu.

I apologize for a quality of the photos, but I have only tablet. 
Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

neděle 3. března 2013

Jarni balerina- The Spring Ballerina

Mame tady nedeli a druhy dil serialu Mixed Media Art. Nebojte, nezapomnela jsem na vas. Ba naopak, strasne me bavi vytvaren stale novy a novy obrazy touto technikou a zdokonalovat samu sebe.

Sunday is here and the second episode of my new Mixed Media Art serial. Dont worry, I didnt forget you.  I really enjoy doing new production all along and  improving myself in this technique.

Dnes jsem pro vas vybrala obraz, ktery jsem pojmenovala jarni balerina. Pouzila jsem jemne tony barev v odstinech ruzove, merunkove, lila a dalsich.

Today, I have chosen picture, which I called Spring Ballerina. I have used soft tones of colours - pink, apricot, lila and others.

Sukne baleriny je vytvorena ze stuzek - 3D efekt. Pouzila jsem spousty propisotu, pozadovych razitek a dalsich beznych veci, ktere jsem nasla po dome. Proto me toto bavi, muzete pouzit cokoliv, co naleznete doma. Neni nutne kupovat draha razitka ci nejake dalsi propriety.

The ballerina's skirt is made of trimmings - 3D effect. I have used a lot of rub-ons, background stamps and other found objects. This is the reason why I love this technique. You can use everything you find at home. You dont have to buy expensive stamps and other special craft things.

Dekuji vsem, kdo se vracite na muj blog a venujete mu kousek z vaseho casu. Nove me najdete i na FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

I thank everyone who drops in at my blog and spends a bit of your time. You can find me on FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

Komentujte, sdilejte, likujte. Vyjadrete mi svuj nazor ohledne me tvorby.

Comment, share, like. Express me your opinion about my crafting.

Omlouvam se za kvalitu fotek, ale disponuji pouze tabletem. Fotoaparat zatim v nedohlednu.

I apologize for a quality of the photos, but I have only tablet. 
Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

pátek 1. března 2013

Platno a la VB - Canvas a la GB

Opravdu jsem se zamilovala do techniky mixed media art. Neskutecne me bavi patlani barev, pridavani papiru, sprejovani a dalsi..

I've really fallen in love with the mixed media art technique. I incredibly enjoy the puddling, adding scraps, spraying etc..

Mamka zboznuje Anglii, uz asi trikrat byla v Londyne a letos tam jede znova. Vytiskla jsem si nektere jeji fotky, ktere jsem pouzila jako pozadi. Dominantou je polopruhledna holka stojici v cervenem kabate. Schvalne jsem ji nechala lehce pruhlednou, aby prokouklo londynske pozadi.

My mum adores Great Britain. She has been there about three times and she also goes there this year. I have printed out some mum's photos and used them as a background. The dominant feature is the girl in red coat. She is transparent. I have done her semi transparent because of the London background.

Dekuji vsem, kdo se vracite na muj bloh a venujete mu kousek z vaseho casu. Nove me najdete i na FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

I thank everyone who drops in at my blog and spends a bit of your time. You can find me on FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Originaltina/146040385557603?ref=hl

Komentujte, sdilejte, likujte. Vyjadrete mi svuj nazor ohledne me tvorby.

Comment, share, like. Express me your opinion about my crafting.

Omlouvam se za kvalitu fotek, ale disponuji pouze tabletem. Fotoaparat zatim v nedohlednu.

I apologize for a quality of the photos, but I have only tablet. 
Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina