neděle 1. září 2013

New website!!!!

Hey bloggers,

I would like to tell you that we move to the new site HERE:
please visit us here, share the site, like it, pin it, read it everyday and support us but leaving a comment
Thank you so much, we appreciate it.
Yours OriginalTina

čtvrtek 22. srpna 2013

Hot Air Baloon

Hey bloggers,

it´s been a few days since my last post but I´m really working on my new website. I hope that it will be ready soon for you. So please be patient. :)

Today, I would like to share my hot air baloon. I really like it and I´m working on a bigger one right now. Yes, you read right, bigger one.

Please Follow my blog, FB page or YouTube channel.

Thank you

Yours OriginalTina

pondělí 19. srpna 2013

My Little Caddy

As I promised, I am here with another project!!

Když jsem narazila na tohle video, nemohla jsem se dočkat až udělám vlastní "nosič". Neokopírovala jsem verzi My Creative Spirit, ale přizpůsobila svým možnostem, hlavně co se velikostí týče. 
Vypadá opravdu velmi dobře. Musim si udělat ještě jeden pro sebe. Tento byl pro moji mamču. Naplnila ho CD a našla mu úžasné místečko hned vedle našeho gramofonu. Miluju máminu jídelnu.
Poj'dme se podívat na fotky. (Moc se omlouvám za kvalitu, ale něco se mi stalo s mojim Nikonem a tak jsem odsouzena fotit mobilem.) :(¨

When I see this video I cant wait to try my own one. I didnt copy My Creative Spirit  version, but I do my own version with different measurements.

It looks really really good. I have to do extra one for me. This was for my mother. She loaded it with CDs and placed it next to the old gramophone. I truly love my mom´s dining place.

Take a look at the photos. (Im so sorry about the pure quality, but I have something with my Nikon camera and have to taking photos by my cell phone.) :(

Thank you for stopping by
Yours OriginalTina

sobota 17. srpna 2013

Accordion 3D Flip Album

Jedna z věcí, která mi přišla z Anglie bylao Accordion 3D Flip Album od firmy Sizzix. Jedním slovem doporučuji. Je naprosto dokonalý.

One of the thing from the GB order was Accordion 3D Flip Album by Sizzix. Thsis die is truly amazing. Love it.

K tomu se hodí Frame & Label, Bracket, též od firmy Sizzix. Je to výřez přímo na vnitřky alba a též na rámečky. Potřebná věc, ohledně jako všechno :)

Coordinating die is Frame & Label, Bracket, also from Sizzix. It is suitable for decorating individual parts of the album. This die is one of the must have thing.

Díky této vyřezávací šabloně vznikl tento stojánek (album) pro moji mamku do práce. Je lékařkou a má super smysl pro humor. A navíc má ráda tento styl.

I used the die for my mums present. 

K dotvoření jsem použila papíry od Graphic 45 - Old Curiosity Shoppe.

I used Graphic 45 - Old Curiosity Shoppe for decorating the accordion album.

Veškeré věci je možné u mne objednat. Dodací lhůta je měsíc od objednání. 

Yours OriginalTina

sobota 10. srpna 2013

Sister's Wall Hanging

Hey bloggers,

I had an amazing week! My "sister" was with us whole week and we spent a great time together. A lot of fun, you can trust me ;)

I had promised her a wall hanging for her mum's birthday. Ok, it is a while. But yesterday I finally made it.

Just a showcase

She has to buy only the key rings to pu the chipboard squares together.
Yours OriginalTina

neděle 4. srpna 2013


Hey bloggers,

we have absolutely fabulous weekend here. The weather is extremely hot, so it´s time for pool. :)

I would like to ask you if you are interested in TUTORIALS. I would like to do some serials about crafting. Like Monday Cards; Wednesday Canvases or Weekend Albums....

Something like that.

Would you be interested in it?? Please leave a comment if so or complete my new poll on the right side.

Thank you so much.

And wualaaa I have a new summer haircut ;) Like J.I.Jane..

Yours OriginalTina

pátek 2. srpna 2013

Love, love, love...

Hey bloggers

Musím Vám něco říct, podělit se s vámi o jednu věc. Mám opravdu toho nejlepšího muže na světě. Vždycky udělá vše, co jen mi na očích vidí. Nikdy neřekl nic proti mně. Ve všem mě podporuje a pomáhá. Děkuju moc za vše, co si pro mě udělal.

Miluju tě.

I have to say you, my readers, something. I really have the best husband in the world. He always do everything what he sees in my eyes. He has never ssaid anything against me. And I would like to thank him for everything he has done for me.

Love you my darling.

Yours OriginalTina